We Can Help You: Advance Directives
Our Community Partnership Specialists are certified facilitators and can assist you in developing a plan that is reflective of your care goals, values, and beliefs. We offer free presentations and one on one sessions. It is not too early to start the conversation for Advance Care Planning. To schedule a consultation or request a planning information packet, please email or call us. at (727) 523-3427.

Empath Health’s My Life, My Choice Advance Care Planning is a thoughtful process to share and document your decisions for life-prolonging procedures and interventions when you are unable to speak and unlikely to recover. This is a valuable tool helps your family through this difficult time, giving them the information and peace they need to confidently carry out your wishes.
Our Community Partnership Specialists are certified facilitators and can assist you developing a plan that is reflective of your care goals, values, and beliefs. We offer free presentations and one on one sessions. It is not too early to start the conversation for Advance Care Planning.
Planning involves:
- Learning about the options available to you
- Reflecting on your values, cultural and spiritual beliefs, and treatment preferences and goals
- Discussing your wishes with loved ones and healthcare providers
- Choosing a decision maker and documenting your wishes in a legal document called a living will
- Sharing copies of your plan with your healthcare surrogate, loved ones and providers
To schedule a consultation or request a planning information packet, please email or call us at (727) 523-3427.