Empath Health News and Blog

A Daughter’s Gratitude for Hospice Care

Millicent Battle, of St. Petersburg, is thankful for the Suncoast Hospice care for her parents when they were ill with lung cancer. James Battle, a World War II-era Army veteran, and Jeannetta Battle were originally from South Carolina and Georgia, respectively. They...

Finding Joy In The Ordinary

I subscribe to the “Happiness” theme on a news app on my phone. It posts scholarly research about what types of lifestyle choices bring us happiness and which do not. These scholarly articles are joined by testimonials from people who are in hot pursuit of happiness,...

Care Council Connects the Community to Care

It takes a community to care for one another and we're honored to partner and work hand-in-hand with the community to make a positive impact on people’s lives, health and well-being. Learn how our Care Council in St. Petersburg is dedicated to helping educate...