Empath Health News and Blog

The Simple Things – Monday Message

Abraham Maslow is the renowned psychologist best known for creating “Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.” His research and experience led him to many insights into our potential for actualization and happiness. One of my favorite quotes is, “The most fortunate are those who...

What A Difference We Could Make

In her simple words, Mother Teresa cuts to the core of a global concern. She wrote, “If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.” Whether it is in the home, in our workplace, in our community, our nation, or our world – what a...

A Former Patient Improved In Suncoast Hospice Care

Peterson’s health worsened last summer, and the family had to make decisions about her care. During a visit to her primary care physician last August, her blood work indicated kidney failure. A kidney specialist determined she had end-stage kidney disease. When her...