Honoring the Holidays after a Loss

The holidays are a time when many families come together and celebrate. After the passing of a loved one, these special days might not look the same. From as early as August through December our senses are filled with the sights, sounds and smells of the many...

Grief, A Year Later

Tina remembers her son, Chris, as bright and extremely intelligent. A strong person. Her hero. His path in life was filled with challenges and as a result Tina is no stranger to grief. At age 17, Chris was diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder, a combination of...

Helping Kids Cope with Anxiety

Over the past weeks, lives have been turned upside down as we face the COVID-19 outbreak. Closures of schools, stores and restaurants, cancellations of events and shortages of essential items have left many feeling stressed and anxious. While everyone has experienced...