Suncoast Hospice Director of Spiritual Care Jim Andrews
I saw this poster on Amazon recently that listed the “7 Rules Of Life”. They were:
1. Smile – It always works out in the end!
2. Be Kind – You have the power to make people feel good!
3. Don’t Give Up – If it doesn’t work the first time, find another way!
4. Don’t Compare – Everyone’s on a different journey!
5. Avoid Negativity – Avoid negative thoughts, situations & people!
6. Make Peace With Your Past – Focus on being present & creating a better future!
7. Take Care Of Your Body & Mind – One struggles to survive without the other!
Loved how each one ended in an exclamation point! Not a bad list either, really. It got me thinking about what my rules of life are. What about you? What are the simple truths that provide the guard rails for your living? Those bits of wisdom that help you navigate the ups and downs of your life? Try making a list of them right now. Who knows – it could end up on a poster on Amazon someday!
Have a great week, everyone!
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