Empath Health Blog, Jim Andrews

Suncoast Hospice Director of Spiritual Care Jim Andrews

Richard Groves, the author of the American Book of Living and Dying and the leader of the Sacred Art of Living Center for Spiritual Formation, identifies forgiveness as one of the four primary areas of spiritual pain that we experience in our lives. The pain related to forgiveness may involve holding on to a burden of guilt over something we have done or failed to do, or holding on to feelings of anger and resentment against someone else.

In his research and experience, Richard Groves found that this type of spiritual pain is perhaps the most prevalent and widespread. Carrying this pain impacts our sense of well-being and the quality of our relationships.

This new year presents us with an opportunity to do important work. To ask ourselves, “Who or what do I need to forgive?” and “From who do I need to seek forgiveness?” Perhaps we can muster the courage to answer the call of this ancient Gaelic Blessing – May we have the commitment to heal what hurts us. To allow it to come closer to us and in the end become one with us.

Have a great week, everyone!
