Suncoast Hospice Director of Spiritual Care Jim Andrews
All of us have to deal with discouragement. At different times in our lives, circumstances seem to conspire against us, beat us down, and leave us feeling unequal to the task and overwhelmed by challenges.
When we find ourselves in those “valley” times of our lives, one of the tricks that our minds play on us is convincing us that there will be no relief from this darkness. The season of discouragement we find ourselves in sprawls out before us with no visible end in sight.
What I have learned over the years, however, is this – it’s closer than you think! Relief, encouragement, strength, hope, determination, wisdom, Divine presence and grace – are closer than you think. And oftentimes it is in the moment when we are unable to see the light at the end of the tunnel when a hug from a friend, or an incredible sunset, or an encouraging Facebook post, or a moment of silent reflection will flood our souls with light.
So, if you are feeling discouraged, hold your head up and remember – it’s closer than you think!
Have a wonderful week, everyone!
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