As we look towards National Volunteer Month and Volunteer Appreciation Week this April, learn about our final set of 2020 Volunteer of the Year Award recipients and their contributions to Empath Health.

Chris Zogorean
Chris Zogorean – Specialized Volunteer Service Award
Bereavement – Palm Harbor
Zogorean began her volunteer service with Suncoast Hospice in the summer of 2006. After completing her initial training, she went on to take additional trainings in support of the Resale Shop, Reiki and bereavement. Over the years she has assumed additional responsibilities and is now the lead bereavement volunteer for all of northern Pinellas County. Zogorean supports 20 other bereavement volunteers who rely on her methodical preparation of bereavement call packets as they make the 200-300 monthly calls that this department provides to surviving family members. She faithfully attends the bi-monthly Bereavement Support meetings and frequently adds comments and insights of her own to the discussion. Additionally, Zogorean has served at the North Pinellas Care Center in the roles of Welcome Desk volunteer, Office Assistant and Medical Records volunteer.

Wayne Kaffai
Wayne Kaffai – Empath Health Members Award
Suncoast PACE Adult Day Center
Kaffai began volunteering at the PACE Day Center in 2013. He dedicates two days a week to volunteering and will often stay longer to participate in special events. More than just a helping hand for staff, he gives each participant his undivided attention, validating each life story, understanding good days and bad days, and ensuring each participant feels valued, relevant and important to the community. Kaffai’s ability to connect to each participant has been valuable in allowing the Volunteer Services department to encourage Lifetime Legacies, Veterans History Project and other opportunities designed to benefit the participant and family. He is a mentor to new PACE Day Center volunteers, reassuring them, guiding them and opening doors for conversations with participants.
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