Suncoast Hospice Director of Spiritual Care Jim Andrews
The world is filled with good-hearted people who are meeting the challenges of life with creativity and compassion. People who quietly go about making the world a better place every day with no fanfare or notoriety. The Broadway musical “Come From Away” tells the little known story of just such people. On September 11, 2001; 38 planes carrying thousands of people from across the globe, were diverted to the airstrip of a small town called Gander in Newfoundland. The citizens of that little town did not know when the sun woke them up that morning that they would be hosting a sleep-over of massive proportions.
In spite of language barriers and culture clashes, these kind and dedicated people marshaled their resources and extended comfort and hospitality to over 7,000 people, providing sleeping quarters, food, entertainment, medical care and a host of other caring responses to the various needs of their unexpected guests.
All of us are not in positions of influence where we can change the course of history, but each and every one of us can choose to be a force for good in the world in our own circle of influence. To resolve that our contribution will transcend the narrow scope of our own self-interest and in some small way leave the world better than we found it.
Have a great week, everyone!
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