Make Your Decisions Official
The best way to ensure healthcare decisions will be honored during a medical emergency is to complete a living will. A living will is a legal written or verbal statement that instructs the medical treatment you do or do not want, if you are too hurt or sick to speak for yourself and not expected to recover.
For more information on Living Wills or to schedule a consultation, please contact us by email or call us at (727) 467-7423.
When should a living will be prepared?
When does a living will take effect?
Your living will takes effect when there is little or no chance of recovery and you can no longer communicate your medical care choices. In the state of Florida two physicians, (your physician that is providing care and another consulting physician) must determine your condition will not improve, before they can withhold or withdraw life prolonging medical procedures. Your requests to withhold treatments in your living will do not apply when there is reasonable chance of cure or improvement.