Empath Health News and Blog

Lights of Lake Park 2023 – ABC Action News

Empath Health President and CEO Jonathan Fleece and Lake Park Estates resident and event organizer Amy Maltinos spoke to ABC Action News about the Lights of Lake Park event. For over 30 years, the community has hosted this spectacular holiday light display, collecting...

Butterfly Print Brings Suncoast Hospice Family Full Circle

“Mom is incredible.” Dianne Perry, 79, worked hard to provide for her two children and they wanted to make sure she had a peaceful ending to her life as so much of it wasn’t. Siblings Denise Thomson and Rich Perry reminisced about their mother as she slept down the...

Hospice and Hispanic Community – Todo Tampa Bay

Empath Health’s Community Engagement Director Maria Pepe spoke with Todo Tampa Bay about hospice care and some of the myths and misconceptions around it. La Directora de Participación Comunitaria de Empath Health, María Pepe, habló con Todo Tampa Bay sobre los...