Suncoast Hospice Director of Spiritual Care Jim Andrews
I remember sitting at the bedside of patients as they expressed their regrets. So many people looking back on their lives and seeing in retrospect what was so sorely missing.
“I wish I had been more patient with my kids.”
“I wish I had taken better care of myself.”
“I so regret never travelling while I had the chance.”
“All I cared about was money, and now I am dying alone and all the money in the world can’t stop it.”
Sir Francis Bacon has this advice for us:
Begin doing what you want to do now.
We are not living in eternity.
We have only this moment,
sparkling like a star in our hand –
and melting like a snowflake.
May we live our lives today in such a way that we will have no regrets tomorrow.
Have a great week, everyone!
When A good friend of mine’s two sisters went to hospice they told me they wanted me to write a story about their lives. the two sisters died in hospice 12 minutes apart they were the so inseperable. I did go and finish their story and I was so proud of doing that. They were alone, both never married. Lived with each other for 98 yrs, had wonderful life together seeing the world, traveling both were school teachers so they would follow their notes to the “T” and ventured out and did exactly what they wanted. They spoke to me about the World Wars events and that they went to the first worlds fair in Chicago in 1892. as 3 yrs old they said they still had their ticket stubs to show me, and other things. As I was visiting them I was told that when I went back to give them their copy of the story book they were both crossed over and I also felt so at eased with this yet I also missed my old friends who had so much more to tell me about the worlds fair in Chicago. I was left by them the sisters, an envelope not to open until their passing. What a wonderful gift they gave me, each one selected a special poem for me and a one hundred dollar check from the both of them, and the poem read. We are not Gone, only by sight, we are here next to you, just call out our names and we will be running to you with our jellybells( jellybells are soft see through shoes) on and our hair primped like the way momma liked it and we shall meet again. I surely miss them, but also when We put our father in and received wonderful care from the Orange team at Woodside, I told them once I get my life in order I like to volunteer and teach them out to paint on silk and also maybe talk and tell stories to those who too has crossed over. I wanted to tell you all that I loved every thing this organization did for my dad and my two twin friends, and It did take exactly 5 years to recover. I have come to terms, that I can not bring my loved one back but I am happy they went out with dignity and grace. Love the orange team. You go girls.