Suncoast Hospice Director of Spiritual Care Jim Andrews
Oftentimes the first things to go when schedules get hectic are all of the things that we do to take care of ourselves; like times for prayer and meditation, exercise, rest, fun and replenishing activities. But if we want to bring our best to those we serve (whether you are a healthcare worker, caregiver, parent, teacher – we all play a role) we have to make sure that we are not running on empty ourselves. It is out of an inner abundance that we can offer good things to others. Here is how Rabbi Rami Shapiro says it,
Enveloped in Your light, may I be a beacon to those in search of Light.
Sheltered in Your Peace, may I offer shelter to those in need of peace.
Embraced by Your Presence, so may I be present to others.
May we connect to our inner source so that we might be able to offer gifts of light and peace and presence to those who need it most.
Have a great week, everyone!
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