Empath Health Blog, Jim Andrews

Suncoast Hospice Director of Spiritual Care Jim Andrews

If we are honest, all of us are struggling with something. A health concern, a relationship problem, financial difficulties, failure to achieve a goal, the elusiveness of justice and equity – all of us are struggling with something. Carrying this knowledge with us as we gaze into the face of every colleague, patient, participant or client we see – as well as when we see our own reflection in the mirror – can cause compassion and empathy to rise in us.

We can also know, however, that we are equal to the challenge! Even if we don’t feel like it in the moment. Even if the past tries to tell us a different story. Japanese philosopher Daisaku Ikeda writes, “The confidence to prevail over any problem, the strength to overcome adversity, and unbounded hope – all reside within you.”

May we be kind to ourselves and others in our shared struggle and connect to that unbounded hope within giving us the confidence and strength we need to rise above!!

Have a great week, everyone!
