by Jenna Kominski | Dec 16, 2021 | Media Coverage
For the second year in a row, Stephanie and her daughter, Sophia, created over 300 handmade holiday cards for Suncoast Hospice patients. Watch this heartwarming Fox 13 Tampa Bay story.
by Jenna Kominski | Dec 14, 2021 | Media Coverage
Suncoast Hospice Resale Shop Stylist Sky Roberts shared with Great Day Live how to shop for the latest celebrity clothing trends for a fraction of the cost at our Resale Shops.
by Jenna Kominski | Dec 13, 2021 | Blog, Monday Message, Monday Motivation
Attention functions in our minds like water and sunlight do for plants. Whatever we pay attention to – grows. If we pay attention to our worries, our anxiety grows. If we pay attention to our resentments, then they grow. The good news is that it works the other way...
by Jenna Kominski | Dec 6, 2021 | Media Coverage
Suncoast Hospice Resale Shops Stylist Sky Roberts spoke with Bloom’s Gayle Guyardo about how to get great deals on the latest trendy clothing by shopping at thrift stores such as Suncoast Hospice Resale Shops.
by Jenna Kominski | Nov 8, 2021 | Blog, Monday Message, Monday Motivation
With every breath I take today I vow to be awake And every step I take I vow to take with a grateful heart So I may see with eyes of love Into the hearts of all I meet To ease their burden when I can And touch them with a smile of peace. – Author unknown May we...
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