Empath Health News and Blog

Do Not Let FEAR Defeat You

We all know what fear feels like and the paralyzing effect it can have on us. Fear can make it challenging to formulate a clear headed and a rational response. But fear does not need to have the last word. Zig Ziglar’s famous quote provides the inspiration to lay...

Keeping PACE Participants Social While Distant

Isolation can be difficult for people of all ages. This is especially true for people who live alone and depend on regular group activities for socialization, such as older adults. In Pinellas County, Suncoast PACE (Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly) is a...

When This Over…

Author Laura Kelly Fanucci shares a reflection for us this Monday morning: When this is over, May we never again take for granted A handshake with a stranger Full shelves at the store Conversations with neighbors A crowded theatre Friday night out The taste of...

Navigating COVID-19 for LGBT Elders

The current Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak is changing the landscape of our daily lives, causing disruptions to everyday activities and uncertainty for the future. As a service provider for older adults, Empath Health is highly aware of the challenges presented to...

Every Day Is A Gift

Howard Zinn is an American historian, playwright and thinker whose words continue to inspire us on this beautiful Monday morning: We don’t have to wait for some grand utopian future. The future is an infinite succession of presents, and to live now as we think human...

Meet Our Volunteers of the Year: Part 3

As we look towards National Volunteer Month and Volunteer Appreciation Week this April, learn about our final set of 2020 Volunteer of the Year Award recipients and their contributions to Empath Health. Chris Zogorean - Specialized Volunteer Service Award Bereavement...

Helping Kids Cope with Anxiety

Over the past weeks, lives have been turned upside down as we face the COVID-19 outbreak. Closures of schools, stores and restaurants, cancellations of events and shortages of essential items have left many feeling stressed and anxious. While everyone has experienced...