Empath Personal Care Team Soaring in 2023

The first quarter of 2023 has been fruitful for Empath Personal Care, the private-duty home care affiliate of Empath Health. In February, the Empath Personal Care team in Sarasota and Manatee counties earned accreditation through Community Health Accreditation Partner...

Music Therapy Brightens Lives of Empath Health Patients

By the time Empath Health Music Therapist Chloe Hill entered the room at 10:00 am, the 92-year-old patient’s day was headed downhill. She didn’t get the nap she wanted. But things were about to change in the cozy room at HarborChase of Palm Harbor. Hill entered with a...

New Leader Devoted to Extending Empath Health’s Impact

Empath Health’s new President & CEO began serving the organization to give back and honor a special member of his family. Once he got involved, though, it was inevitable that Jonathan Fleece would one day chart a course for expanding Empath’s mission and vision....