by Jenna Kominski | May 23, 2018 | Blog, Hospice Care, Veterans, Volunteers
Young Man at War Russell Palmer set his path for service in his youth. He lived a Connecticut farm life, then joined the Navy and then went to fight at sea during World War II. “I was in my second year of high school. I was tired of school. I was interested in travel....
by Jenna Kominski | May 21, 2018 | Blog, Hospice Care, Veterans, Volunteers
Once a Marine, Always a Marine rings true with Vietnam Marine Corps Veteran Gordon “Skip” Cutting. He shares a sacred brotherhood and sense of service with veterans in the community. “Tampa Bay is unique because we have so many retired military in this area. We have...
by Jenna Kominski | Mar 9, 2018 | Blog, Community, Education, Health & Wellness, Hospice Care, Partnership, Veterans
The landscape of veterans growing older and approaching the need for end-of-life care is shifting. The wave of World War 2 veterans is fading away while a new wave of Vietnam veterans is surfacing. “We’re focusing on a new chapter of patients – the warriors of the...
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