Empath Health News and Blog

Today, Decide.

Stop for just a moment. Quiet the busy thoughts clamoring for your attention. Take three long, slow, deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth. Connect with your purpose. Your courage. Your kindness. Your strength. Know that you have the resources...

The Unshakeable Soul

A wisdom story tells the tale of a student coming to a spiritual teacher saying in exasperation, “My friend upset me so much!!” The teacher responded,“Your friend did not upset you. You are upset because you are upsettable. Would you like to learn how to be...

Mural Inspires Healing In Seminole Heights

Our Francis House campus has been honored to be part of the Seminole Heights community for over 25 years. We're committed to being a part of our neighborhood's healing, unity and hope. Watch the story: 10News WTSP.